Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Avoiding Cabin Fever, Part I.

Ah, winter.  While I very much enjoy getting to do fun things like snowshoeing and learning to ski (lessons on Friday--so scared!!), I am not a fan of winter during the week when I'm on my own with the kids and B's at work.  Matthew's too small to play in the snow or enjoy long walks in the cold and Andrew doesn't stay out long before mittens fall off and he's too cold.  Anyway, I miss the warm days of summer when fun could be found by just walking out our door and we could spend all day just exploring outside or walk to a playground or something. 

I've found a few things that are helping Andrew, Matthew, and I get out of the house before we all (mostly Andrew) start bouncing off the walls and driving each other nuts.  I'll give you a nice little sampling of what we've been doing to survive and thrive this winter.  

1.  Winter Wednesdays at the Aviary!  $1 Admission and Story Time with a bird at 11am!  Awesome!

Big Hawk during story time!

What a cool bird!

Spinning thing with birds on top that Andrew loved, of course.

Matthew and a neighborhood friend, Jax, in front of a flamingo tree:

And, this is my friend Michele.  She lives across the street and is one of the kindest people I have ever met.  She has 4 kids and frequently sends the oldest 2 over to deliver treats like pumpkin smelling play-doh for Halloween and caramel corn around Christmas--AMAZING.  Oh-and did I mention that she keeps offering to watch the boys and telling B and I to go out for dinner?  We feel so blessed to have met her and knowing her has definitely helped ease the pain of the cross-country move!

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