Monday, December 3, 2012

Saintly Confusion

I told Andrew all about St Nick's day today--how he would put his shoes out on Wednesday night and on Thursday morning, there would be a surprise in his shoes!  He started crying and said he doesn't want the surprise because it will hurt when he puts his shoes on.  

Last week we celebrated the feast day of St. Andrew.  I talked to Andrew throughout the day about how he was named after St. Andrew and told him some things about the life of St. Andrew.  At the end of the day, Andrew asked me if he could go back to being Andrew the builder because he doesn't want to be St. Andrew anymore.  

I think B may need to take over in the teaching department around here...


  1. Poor little Andrew. How do we say to a 3 year old, lighten up! So funny.

  2. This and your last entry have been so funny! My mom is visiting and we've both enjoyed the pictures and stories. Thanks for sharing!
