Thursday, December 6, 2012

Brotherly Love

It melts my heart when I catch Andrew and Matthew playing peacefully together.  It's starting to happen with a bit more frequency and I just wanted to share some recent moments of brotherly love.  Future post:  Brotherly Hate.  :)

Playing under the coffee table, again: 

Builders, hard at work.  I have no idea why Matthew's not wearing pants.

Both loving Christmas Juice (Egg Nog) on Thanksgiving morning:

Macy's parade on Thanksgiving:

I gated them together in Andrew's room so I could clean the bathrooms and caught them enjoying some quality chainsaw time:

Andrew the builder and his assistant doing a big project on the coffee table.  I believe Matthew was sawing the table and Andrew was fixing it with pliers.

Hanging out at the train table at Barnes and Noble after story time:

"Mom!  Watch what Matthew can do!  Watch! I give him the block and he can put it away!" ~Andrew

Here they are this morning-working together to dig a hole:

I'm noticing I'm able to step away and let them play together a little more these days.  That means--more coffee time, more reading time, and potentially less smeared banana on the floor in the not too distant future!  

1 comment:

  1. Love this blog. Matthew is looking so grown up. Darling shots of the two of them.
