Tuesday, February 18, 2014


We're now at 5 days 'til due date.  Baby 3 has been given the official eviction notice, but is deciding to stay right where he/she is for now.  Patience is a virtue, huh?  Ugh.

Alright, so here's what we were up to in December...

Decorating the house for Christmas!  Remember, this is the only time of year I actually feel like I know what I'm doing in the decorating department...

Enjoying lots and lots of fresh snow!  So beautiful!

I try to keep toys out of our living room, but brought Matthew's wooden tracks up for a few weeks.  The boys were content for quite a long time and working together--just one of those moments to remember.

More snow and sunny skies!

 Got Andrew on skis for the first time!

I finally finished Andrew's stocking by his 5th Christmas...pathetic, but it's done.  Now, gotta get going on Matthew's...

Hosted some moms from school for coffee and bagels.  I always end up taking pictures of my table to send to my mom.

Matthew turned 2 and became quite the dare-devil/trouble maker.  This is how I found him when B and I thought the other one was in charge of him.  Ugh...

Got a text from the little sib on a Friday morning saying she and David, her fiance, are thinking about visiting to ski.  She checked flights and rates were great for that night, so we got a really fun last-minute visit from them!  We spent a lot of time up at Alta during December.  Look at the blue of that sky!  Incredible!

B has spent quite a few hours looking like this during this winter.  He's definitely hooked...

Sadly, Matthew and I had to watch from the sidelines this year.

Andrew on his first day of ski lessons!  His only complaint was that we signed him up for the half-day instead of full.

Faith and David enjoying some of the other culture SLC has to offer.  :)

Last hike before heading to the airport.

Still amazed that we live somewhere so beautiful....ahhh

Just a few days after Faith and David's visit, Nana and Papa arrived to celebrate their first Christmas ever away from home!  Sadly, we had to throw out our live tree that morning and buy an artificial tree because our live tree was so dry and pretty much petrified.  We aren't sure what went wrong and were both really bummed to get a fake tree, but were too nervous to keep the fire hazard in our house any longer.  

On Christmas Eve, we took a Polar Express train ride in the mountains.  Matthew was pretty excited to see the train.

My birthday dinner this year--live lobsters from Maine! :)

Sorry lobsters, but you were really tasty!

My very sweet and thoughtful husband talked to a bakery to find a cake I could actually eat this year while dealing with gestational diabetes.  It was so good and kept my levels great!  Thanks, hon!

So--apparently I took no pictures on actual Christmas Day.  Really?  That's ridiculous.  We had a very nice Christmas and I finally used our China for the first time.  We've moved it in it's original packaging a million times since receiving it as gifts for our wedding.  I've always kinda regretted registering for it at all, but now that we actually used it, I'm so glad we have it!  Besides our meal, we had a nice visit from Santa, who delivered tools for Andrew and some train fun for Matthew.   We also attended a beautiful mass at the Cathedral and heard a wonderful homily from the Bishop of SLC.

To wrap up this post--our last day of December, New Year's Eve.  I'm not at all a New Year's fan, but ran to the grocery store down the street and picked up a little party bag after dinner.  We threw a little post-pj's party for the boys to celebrate the New Year.  I think we counted down to 8:18 or something like that.  It's funny how fun they thought this was and how excited they were to celebrate!

Well, folks--I've finished 2013!  Maybe baby will arrive before I have time to post January?  One can dream...

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