Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Catherine's First Month

As we know, time just flies when there's a new baby around.  Somehow, Catherine is 1 month old today!  Unbelievable!

Here's what we know about this little lady so far:
-Catherine loves to sleep most of the time, but is often wide awake from 9pm until 12:30am.  However, the last 2 nights, this hasn't been the case.  I'm hoping that means she has figured out her nights and days, but not banking on it quite yet.

-She's still not much of a cryer.  Her needs are pretty easily met--she squeals when she wants to eat, needs help falling asleep, or is working on dropping a deuce.  That's about it.

-She better get used to being teased by her brothers.  Matthew absolutely LOVES mocking her cry.  It's pretty hilarious.

-So far, she happily takes a bottle.  I am really hoping this continues!

-We are getting some smiles here and there, but I'm pretty sure they aren't intentional.  Hopefully that will change in the next few weeks--I'm a total sucker for those baby smiles!

-She's completely done with being swaddled and now sleeps in a normal blanket sleeper with her arms free.

-While doing tummy time last night, Catherine rolled over.  I assume it's a total fluke, but it was really cute to see her do it.

I have been on my own to manage the kids for 2 weeks now and I think we may be getting used to things (hope I don't jinx myself).  We are still getting meals delivered from friends a few days a week, which has been so helpful.  It's been such a blessing to slowly ease back into things and we are so thankful for all the help we've had.

Ok, and the fun part--pictures!!
Cute hat and pacifier!  Thank you Chantal and Phil! :)

Crib looks beautiful painted white. Thanks to my amazing husband for the hours of work!


Aww again.

Proud big brother!

Lots of time is spent doing this.  I'm obsessed with baby snuggles.

Catherine's usually the last one sleeping in the morning.  I usually bring her into bed for her last feeding of the night.

Baby Burrito--before she rejected the swaddle.

Funny face + Mohawk 
I have a thing for yawning pictures.

Good big bro

See? Yawning again.

Beautiful spring weather!


Onesie gift from B's coworkers

She's totally oblivious to the view.

Getting chubby cheeks!

Mom & Catherine naptime!

Another gift from B's coworkers.

The whole fam--CHEESE!

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