Thursday, February 7, 2013

Growing Up

Andrew recently started going to preschool one morning per week.  We wanted to get him used to being dropped off with a "teacher" and hanging out with other kids since he will be starting preschool for real in the fall.  So far, Andrew loves school, which was made very clear by the mother of all tantrums he threw when I picked him up on his first day.  Luckily, he's now accepted that he can't live there, and happily comes home with me.

When I picked Andrew up this week, his teachers were excited to tell me that he's the only kid in his age group that actually draws faces when they give him blank pictures.  They said everyone else just scribbles all over the picture, but look what Andrew did:

What a happy snowman!  I was actually shocked that he drew that--I've never seen him draw more than round-rounds (spirals) when he colors.

One morning this week, we headed to Barnes and Noble for story time and I bought Andrew some workbooks for preschoolers--we got one on writing the alphabet and one for cutting and pasting.  Andrew and I get some quiet time together to work on the workbooks after Matthew goes down for his nap and Andrew seems to like feeling like a big kid doing school work.  Ha!  The former teacher in me loves that I'm tricking him into doing homework!

Here he is getting some mad scissor skills--

This morning, Andrew and Matthew had their first dentist appointments.  They both did great, but man, are they spoiled!  This is a dentist office just for kids and they have TV's above every seat, so Andrew actually watched a movie while his teeth were cleaned.

In other news, this little guy turned 16 months old this week:

1 comment:

  1. Watched The Snowman or Snowman via streaming Netflix - lots of snowmen. I like Andrew's snowman!
