Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Solo Hike

Today we had our babysitter come watch the kids from 9-3.  It was B's idea when we moved here to have a sitter one day a week to give us a chance to do things that aren't easy to do with the kids.  In the winter, we plan to take ski lessons and go skiing, but for now, we've just been using the days to get caught up on things or grab lunch or coffee together when B is off work.  He was working today, so I used the day to run some errands to get ready for the birthday party we're having this weekend.  I got sick of hopping from store to store and the sky was so blue and those mountains were just begging me to visit.  So, I took off and headed 20 minutes away to Big Cottonwood Canyon.

It was great hiking on my own, but I do wish B could've joined me.  I got some gorgeous views, saw a waterfall, and enjoyed seeing the fall colors again.   All the reds are gone in the mountains and now it's just yellows, browns, and evergreens.  I couldn't help but think about my most-loved author's book, The First Forest, while on my hike today.  I was definitely feeling bad for those trees that were standing stark naked...

Here's some photos from my hike.  I'm very blessed to be able to easily hike somewhere so stunning.