So, turns out the drive there isn't bad at all. It's an hour to the end of Antelope Island, but you start on this road through the middle of the lake after only about 30 minutes of driving. When I'd mentioned wanting to see the Salt Lake to people, both locals and transplants turned their nose up a bit and said it's not really worth it. Well, guess what I realized--Utah folk (including us now) are so spoiled with nature that these views are just ALRIGHT. And, to be honest, there are ridiculously beautiful mountain lakes, waterfalls, and canyons a shorter distance away. BUT, I was pleasantly surprised with what I found on my little adventure with the kids. The lake is beautiful from a distance. I've heard it's pretty stinky and gross up close, but I've lived near much nastier bodies of water, so can't say I minded.
What do you think? Would you call these views average?